Poisson Family Session

I've known Becca since she was in highschool.  She would come to my apartment almost every day after school and sit on my couch.  Sometimes she would just sit and not talk, and sometimes she would not stop talking.  ;)  I still remember the typical questions of "Jane, do you think I'll get married?  Jane, do you think I'll be a good mom?  Um, what if I have a daughter just like me?!"

Well, Becca you did get married, and I think you found the perfect person in JP.  He gently, quietly yet so very confidently leads you.  It's fun to see you being a mom, although I still think in my head that you should still be 16.  You are a great mom, and still very you.  You know, the you that tells things like it is in a very matter of fact way.  "Well Colette, mommy is not going to let you win ALL the time."  I LOVE that you do have a daughter that is just like you!  Colette is you made over, with a little bit of your brother Brad thrown in.  I can see so much of Brad in her!  

You are all grown up, and I'm so very proud of you!  I never had any doubt that you would strive to love the Lord, you would marry a godly man that loves you dearly, and be the best mom you can be in obedience to the Lord.  Thank you for allowing me to capture these moments of you and your family.  Love you!